Monday, May 15, 2023

Como você pergunta How are you? de outras formas em inglês?

Aposto que você já sabe falar isto em inglês, certo?

- Hello! How are you?

- I'm fine, thanks. And you?

- I'm fine, thanks. 

Que tal aprender e praticar outras possibilidades?

Preparei uma lista aqui embaixo ▼ com várias alternativas para deixar seu inglês mais fluente.

Para ouvir a pronúncia, é só copiar o texto e colar no quadro nesta página .

Depois, apertar o botão de play ➤ e ouvir.

Tente praticar uma pergunta e uma resposta diferente toda semana

na sua aula de inglês ou com amigos da escola ou trabalho.

Em seguida, volte aqui e me conte quais suas perguntas e respostas favoritas.

Vou adorar saber.😀

How's it going?

It's going pretty well, thanks. How about you?

Not too bad. Thanks for asking.

Could be better, but I'm hanging in there.

How’ve you been?

I've been doing pretty well. How about you?

I've been keeping busy. Thanks for asking.

It's been a mixed bag, but things are improving.

What's up?

Not much. Just trying to stay busy. How about you?

Oh, not too much. Just enjoying the day.

Same old, same old. How about you?

How are things?

Things are going pretty well, thanks for asking. How about you?

Things are a bit hectic, but I'm managing.

Things could be better, but I'm staying positive.

How's life treating you?

Life is treating me pretty well, thanks. How about you?

Life has its ups and downs, but I'm doing okay.

Life could be better, but I'm grateful for what I have.

What's new?

Not too much, just trying to stay busy. How about you?

Oh, not too much. Just enjoying the day.

I've actually got a lot of exciting things going on right now.

How have things been with you?

Things have been going pretty well, thanks for asking. How about you?

Things have been a bit hectic, but I'm hanging in there.

Things have been up and down, but I'm staying positive.

How's everything [been going]?

Everything has been going pretty well, thanks for asking. How about you?

It's been a bit of a rollercoaster, but I'm managing.

Everything could be better, but I'm trying to stay optimistic.

How's your day been?

It's been a pretty good day so far, thanks for asking. How about yours?

My day has been a bit hectic, but I'm getting things done.

My day has been a bit stressful, but I'm taking it one step at a time.

How's your day treating you?

My day is going pretty well so far, thanks for asking. How about yours?

My day has been a bit overwhelming, but I'm managing.

My day could be better, but I'm trying to stay positive.

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