🟣 Carnival in English 🟣
Your essential vocabulary to talk about Carnival in English! 🎭🎉
🎭 General Terms 🎭
✨ Carnival – Carnaval
✨ Revelry / Festivities – Folia
✨ Reveler / Partygoer – Folião
✨ Street Parade / Carnival Block – Bloco de Carnaval
✨ Parade – Desfile
✨ Samba Venue / Sambadrome – Sambódromo
✨ Samba School – Escola de Samba
✨ Carnival March / Carnival Tune – Marchinha de Carnaval
✨ Sound Truck / Electric Trio – Trio Elétrico
✨ Carnival Ball – Baile de Carnaval
✨ Ash Wednesday – Quarta-feira de Cinzas
🎭 Costumes & Accessories 🎭
🎭 Mask – Máscara
🎭 Costume – Fantasia
🎭 Confetti – Confete
🎭 Streamers – Serpentina
🎭 Carnival Shirt – Abadá (specific to blocos in Brazil)
🥁 Samba & Music 🥁
🥁 Samba – Samba
🥁 Drum Section / Percussion Group – Bateria
🥁 Samba Dancer/Singer – Sambista
🥁 Samba Theme / Storyline – Enredo
🥁 Lead Singer of a Samba School – Puxador de Samba
🏆 Competitions & Rankings 🏆
🏅 Judging – Julgamento
🏅 Front Commission – Comissão de Frente
🏅 Master of Ceremonies & Flag Bearer – Mestre-Sala e Porta-Bandeira
🏅 Carnival Float – Carro Alegórico
🏅 Wing / Section – Ala
🌍 Regional Carnival Variations 🌍
In these cases we don't have a translation for the terms. To explain what they mean, you can say:
Frevo (Pernambuco) – A music & dance style
Maracatu – Afro-Brazilian music/dance
Axé Music (Bahia) – popular music genre originated in Bahia in the 1980s
Boi-Bumbá (Amazonas) – Folk festival
🎉 Now you're ready to talk about Carnival in English!
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