Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Used to X Be used to x Get used to (respostas)

1. After a few months I got used to living in the new apartment.
2. Little by little she’s getting used to her new job. (Correct)
3. The kids are finally getting used to playing in the new play room. (Correct)
4. I used to have lunch out every day, but now I eat at home. (Correct)
5. I’m used to eating at home every day. (Correct)
6. I’m accustomed to eating at home now and then. (Correct)
7. This town used to be much safer than it is now. (Correct)
8. She’s used to badmouthing all her co-workers. One day she’ll lose her job because of this bad habit.
9. In São Paulo, drivers are so used to being stuck in traffic that they avoid going out if they don't have to. (Correct)
10. I’m used to going to bed early now, but when I was a teen, I used to go to bed at dawn.


Anonymous said...

Serviu para solidificar o conhecimento e fazer bem a diferença entre estes três termos. =]

Ana Scatena said...

Que bom que ajudou! Essa é a idéia do blog. Volte sempre!

Anonymous said...

sua maneira simplificada e objetiva me fez compreender melhor.

Ana Scatena said...

Glad I could help! Come back soon!

janilson said...

Good! It was really useful to me!

Ana Scatena said...

I'm glad! Come back soon, Janilson!

Unknown said...

Congratulations for doing such a kind of work. It must to be very grateful for you. I'm a english learner, by the way and I really would like to suggest one thing:
- give your teachings in English, not in portuguese, please. In my viewpoint( as a student) it could be genuinely more effective. Cheers, Jaime Bastos.

Ana Scatena said...

Hi, Jaime.
I loved your message in English!
I write my blog in Portuguese because many people don't understand as much English as you and I try to help those who know very little and can't afford a course. Also, I write about Portuguese for Portuguese speakers and speakers of other languages. I always recommend sites that are only in English for those like you.
Come back again!

Anonymous said...


Muito bom. Acabou completamente com a confusão que eu fazia. Um grande abraço.

Ana Scatena said...

Nossa! Fico contente em poder tirar sua dúvida assim! Volte sempre!

Unknown said...

Oi Ana,

Adorei seu trabalho. Parabéns !!!

Eu também fazia muita confusão e agora você conseguiu esclarecer.

Muito Obrigado, Flavio

Unknown said...

Oi Ana,

Parabéns pelo trabalho !!!

Eu também fazia confusão e agora você conseguiu esclarecer.

Muito Obrigado, Flavio.

Ana Scatena said...

Flavio, fico muito feliz quando consigo ajudar as pessoas a aprenderem algo novo.
Volte sempre e deixe seu recado. Vou adorar ler!